A review is presented of so me of th e more important prope rti es of Pc 1(0.2-5 cIs) e missions observed at middle and low lati tud es . Special attention is give n to fin e s tru c ture d regular osci ll ati ons referred to b y various workers as pearls, tYIJe A osc ill a tio ns, and h ydromagne ti c (hm) e mi ss ions. Th e fo ll ow· in g aspects of th ese oscillations are d isc ussed.(a) Signal appearance. Th e e mi ss ions are co nsid ere d fro m both th e ir a mplitud e· time (wave· fo rm) appearance observ ed o n c ha rt reco rd s a nd th e ir freq ue ncy-tim e ({t) c ha rac te ri s ti cs observed on so nagra ms. The various t ypes of {t fin e s tru c ture are discussed (ri sing a nd fa lling freq uency e le· me nt s, fan s ha ped e le me nts, e tc.).(b) SimuLtaniet y of ocwrrence at widely separated locations. A hi g h degree of similarity is often found in th e ap peara nce of {t s tru ctura l e leme nt s of hm e mi ss ions reco rd ed simult a neo usly a t wide ly se parate d s tati ons. Attention is give n to the time-s hifts be twee n th ese e le me nts at st ati ons in th e sa me he mi sp he re a nd in oppos it e he mi s phe res.(c) Time of occurrence. Co rre lati ons are co nsid e red be twee n tim es of occurrence of hm e mi ssio ns a nd other geop hys ica l effects s uc h as c ha rged parti c le even ts, magneti c s torm s, a nd variations of the io nos ph eric para me te r F oF2.(d) Latitude effects. Various latitude dependent e mi ss ion c hara c te ri s ti cs a re di sc ussed. These include latitude variations of e mi ss ion fre qu e ncy, fin e s tru c ture repetiti on pe ri od , a nd signa l a mplitude.In addition to th e aspects of th e Pc 1 emission s outlined above, properties of two oth er typ es of e mi ss ions are brie fl y discussed. One of these signals, referred to he re as a "continu ous e miss ion" also lies in th e Pc 1 category. It is often obsuved co ntinuous ly throu g hout th e ni ght and is c haracterized by a slow variation of J.t c haracte ri s ti cs. Th e other signal, whi c h might be pl aced in a P c 1-Pi 1 tran siti on ca tego ry, is observed durin g magneti ca ll y di sturbe d periods. On so nagram s it is c haracte rize d by an irregularly spaced ri sin g freq ue ncy fin e-s tru c ture. When monitore d aurally on ti me· co mpressed magnet ic tap e (speed-up fa cto r of 1000 to 2000), it is c hara cterized by a so und simil ar to bubbles blown unde r wate r.