Summary The effects of single doses of misonidazole (MISO) on blood flow and vascular volume in the SaFA and CaNT tumours and normal tissues of the mouse have been studied. MISO was administered in the dose range 250-1,000mg kg-and blood flow measured at different times after MISO by the 86RbCl extraction technique. Vascular volume was assessed by the distribution of 51Cr-labelled red blood cells. MISO at doses of 500 mg kg -or greater decreased flow in both tumours by up to 60% within 2 h. Flow remained reduced for up to 24 h. Similar but less profound changes were seen in the skin, although flow had recovered by 24 h. Only slight changes were seen in muscle, and none in kidney. The apparent loss of flow in tumours seen after large single doses of MISO may have important implications for its use as a chemosensitizer.Misonidazole (MISO), a hypoxic cell radiosensitizer in vivo and in vitro Fowler et al., 1976) can also act as a chemosensitizer, potentiating the effects of various chemotherapeutic agents (McNally, 1982;Millar, 1982;Siemann, 1984). In a recent study of the effects of MISO combined with melphalan on the vasculature of a murine sarcoma (Murray et al., 1987) we presented evidence that this combination of drugs profoundly affected vascular structure and function at doses which in combination produced significant growth delay. Our results, obtained using a fluorescent dye (Hoechst 33342) perfusion technique, indicated that MISO alone might be largely responsible for these vascular effects. We have therefore examined the effects of MISO on vascular function in the same tumour model using alternative techniques to measure both vascular volume and blood flow. The aim of these studies was to (a) corroborate our earlier observations, (b) determine the time course and dose-dependence of these effects, and (c) extend these studies to another tumour. In addition we have compared the effect on the sarcoma with that on several normal tissues, in an attempt to determine whether the observed effects were the result of a direct action on the tumour vasculature, or of a more general physiological effect.
Materials and methods
TumoursThe SaFA sarcoma was transplanted by trocar as 1 mm3 pieces subcutaneously onto the backs of WHT/Gy f BSVS mice. The anaplastic carcinoma CaNT was transplanted s.c. on to CBA/Ht Gy f TO mice by injection of a cell suspension in saline, obtained by mechanical disruption of a tumour.
Drug treatmentMisonidazole (MISO, Roche Ltd), was administered by i.p. injection of a solution of the drug dissolved in sterile saline at a series of concentrations representing total doses ranging from 250-1,000omgkg-1 Vascular perfusion estimated by Hoechst 33342 Vascular perfusion of the SaFA tumour was assessed at different times (2, 12 and 24 h) after MISO treatment. One minute before sacrifice, tumour-bearing mice were injected intravenously with the fluorescent DNA-binding dye Hoechst 33342, dissolved in saline to a concentration of 4 mg ml -1, and administered at a dosage of 40 mg kg-1 (Murray et al., 1...