1. According to current concepts, magnetic recon nection processes in current sheets underlie many nonstationary phenomena in space and laboratory plasmas, which are accompanied by the transforma tion of the energy of the magnetic field to the thermal and kinetic energy of a plasma and to beams of accel erated particles and radiation [1,2]. Studies of mag netic reconnection and current sheets were stimulated by the search for mechanisms responsible for colossal phenomena in space such as solar flares. The develop ment of theoretical studies initiated a number of dedi cated laboratory experiments, which enabled the detailed study of the dynamics and structure of current sheets under various conditions (see reviews [3][4][5] and references therein). Measurements from various satel lite missions (Geotail, Interball, Cluster, THEMIS, etc.) provide a huge amount of data on current sheets in the Earth's magnetosphere. Fundamental similarity in a number of significant parameters is observed between magnetospheric and laboratory current sheets despite colossal differences in the dimensions, plasma parameters, magnetic field strengths, currents, etc.[6]. In particular, this concerns the effect of the longi tudinal component of the magnetic field (the guide field) along the current on the structure of the current sheet. Measurements in the magnetospheric current sheet show that, the larger the guide field, the lower the amplitude of the current in the sheet. This is in agreement with theoretical estimates and numerical calculations, which also demonstrate a decrease in the densities of the current and plasma and an increase in the thickness (smaller transverse dimension) of the sheet [7]. A decrease in the amplitude of the current and plasma density and an increase in the thickness of the sheet with an increase in the guide field [8-10], as well as the appearance of curved asymmetric plasma sheets [11,12], were detected in laboratory experi ments. Asymmetric profiles of the plasma density were obtained in theoretical analysis of the motion of ions in the magnetospheric current sheet in the presence of the guide field [7]. Thus, laboratory experiments help to understand the nature of magnetoplasma phenom ena in circumterrestrial space.The structure of the current sheet and a plasma in it depends directly on the interaction of currents with magnetic fields. For this reason, study of the features of the spatial distributions of the magnetic field, cur rent, and plasma allows determination of physical pro cesses responsible for the dynamics and evolution of current sheets. Dynamical effects in current sheets are manifested in a number of interconnected phenomena such as the generation of Hall currents and deforma tion of a plasma sheet in three dimensional (3D) mag netic configurations [11][12][13][14], generation of the super heated plasma flows [15][16][17], and appearance of opposite currents and "thickenning" of the current sheet [18,19]. The detection of asymmetric plasma sheets appearing in 3D magnetic fields in the pres...