The angle-resolved photoemission spectrum of the organic conductor TTF-TCNQ exhibits an unusual transfer of spectral weight over a wide energy range for temperatures 60K < T < 260K. In order to investigate the origin of this finding, here we report numerical results on the single-particle spectral weight A(k, ω) for the one-dimensional (1D) Hubbard model and, in addition, for the 1D extended Hubbard and the 1D Hubbard-Holstein models. Comparisons with the photoemission data suggest that the 1D Hubbard model is not sufficient for explaining the unusual T dependence, and the long-range part of the Coulomb repulsion also needs to be included.PACS numbers: 71.10. Fd, 79.60.Fr, 71.20.Rv, 72.15.Nj The low-dimensional interacting systems receive attention because of their unusual electronic properties [1]. In this respect, the high-resolution AngleResolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements on the quasi-one-dimensional organic conductor tetrathiofulvalene-tetracyanoquinodimethan (TTF-TCNQ) have provided evidence for non-Fermi liquid behavior in this compound [2,3,4,5]. In particular, the ARPES experiments have found that the single-particle spectral weight at the Fermi wavevector k F is transferred over an energy range of ≈ 1.3eV of the Fermi level in the TCNQ-derived band, as the temperature T decreases from 260K to 60K [3,4]. In a Fermi liquid the spectralweight transfer would have occurred within ∼ k B T of the Fermi level. Here, we investigate the origin of this unusual ARPES data and its meaning for the electronic structure of TTF-TCNQ by using the Dynamical Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DDMRG), Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) and the exact diagonalization methods.There are various possibilities as to what might be the origin of the anomalous T dependence of the singleparticle spectral weight at the Fermi level, A(k F , ω), in TTF-TCNQ: (i) It has been suggested that the Tdependence of the ARPES data can be explained within the one-dimensional (1D) Hubbard model [3,4]. In this case, the anomalous T -dependence of A(k F , ω) over the conduction bandwidth has been attributed to the strongcorrelation effects. Indeed, by using the Bethe-Ansatz solution, the photoemission spectrum has been fitted excellently to the dispersion of the spinon and holon bands of the 1D Hubbard model with the parameters t = 0.4eV for the hopping matrix element and U = 2eV for the Coulomb repulsion. The recent observation of the 3k F structures in A(k, ω) by the ARPES [5] also supports this picture. (ii) An alternative point of view is that an extended Hubbard model with long-range Coulomb repulsion is necessary, particularly because the screening of the long-range Coulomb repulsion is expected to be weaker for the surface layer of TTF-TCNQ. (iii) Another possibility is that the electron-phonon interaction, in addition to the strong Coulomb repulsion, plays a role in producing the unusual T dependence. In this paper, our goal is to differentiate among these possibilities. For this purpose, we present DDMRG and finite-temper...