Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the influence of a complex additive on the fundamental physico-mechanical properties of cast concrete.
Methods: The research involves the introduction of a complex additive, comprised of plasti-cizers such as "ACF," "SAFA," and "SOAPSTONE," into the concrete mixture. This leads to structural changes in the cast concrete, impacting its physico-mechanical properties, including strength, uniformity, deformability, durability, and cement utilization coefficient. The significance of each component of the additive is thoroughly examined to identify optimal dosages and meth-ods of introduction for achieving desired results.
Results and Conclusion: The conducted analysis reveals insights into the impact of the complex additive on the final characteristics of the concrete. Optimal dosages and incorporation methods are identified, contributing to enhanced performance and durability of cast concrete structures.
Research Implications: The practical aspects of utilizing the complex additive in real con-struction conditions are elucidated, with examples provided to optimize construction processes, increase efficiency, and reduce environmental burden. Furthermore, the study underscores the im-portance of further research in developing more effective and sustainable construction materials and technologies.
Originality/Value: The research contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field of construction materials by highlighting the influence of complex additives on the physico-mechanical properties of cast concrete. The obtained results have implications for improving the quality and durability of concrete structures across various construction sectors.