Waterflood is well-known as the cost effective secondary recovery mechanism to improve oil recovery. With current challenging oil price environment, waterflood continues to be one of the main candidate of choice. Hence, it is very important to maximize by optimizing the process. The objective of this paper is to propose a rapid technique to evaluate and optimize current matured waterflooding project in an offshore brown field with complex stacked reservoirs and production system through dynamic data analyses.
Interwell connectivity evaluation can assist in reservoir characterization, well placement, and evaluate waterflooding performance. Therefore, dynamic data analytics workflow applying interwell connectivity evaluation and Streamline as implicit approach are proposed. The importance of clustering each area become important to raise particular issues such as poor properties and connectivity. The production and injection points are evaluated and unswept area can be identified. Therefore, waterflood can be optimized.
This study resulted if current waterflooding can be optimized and new potential well placement can be identified to increase oil recovery. Compared with no further action case, oil recovery can be potentially improved 3-4% based on numerical full-field modelling prediction.
The technique will be very useful to have business decision rapidly in weeks. With current oil price situation, it can be as a cost-effective technique, especially for brown fields with mature waterflood projects and have complexity in geological and production system that commonly time consumption. The proposed workflow can be deployed to other neighbor mature fields.