Integrating telepresence robots with gamification opens up new directions in which higher-education governance could translate into higher levels of student engagement in the AI-driven digital era. Drawing on both constructivism and the self-determination theory (SDT), this study will review evidence on how these technologies enhance autonomy and motivation, boosting effective participation in diverse learning environments. The experiments were carried out across various subjects with socio-economically varied groups of students by deploying gamified learning modules on telepresence robots. Primary metrics under consideration involved participation rates, task completion times, and other qualitative feedback measures about impacts created by such technologies. Indeed, the participation rates of the robot group were 40% higher, task completion times were reduced by 30%, and module completion rates for the robot group were 30% improved. The students reported positive emotions and showed more engagement, with the low-income students showing an 80% engagement rate compared to 40% in the control group. The results from both robots and gamification show promising potential for reshaping traditional learning paradigms, especially for students from geographically distant and underserved areas. The study guides further research on applying advanced tools in higher-education governance to foster sustainable practices in the AI era.