Microalgae are very important organisms for the biosphere because they are at the basis of most of the food chains. Some taxa can also bloom and release dangerous toxins in the environment.They are also very promising for industrial applications in various sectors, including food, feed, pharmaceutical, wellness, energy, building, space, water treatment, biosensing, biotechnology etc. The development of these applications require in many cases the optimization of processing steps.Plasma technology has been already applied on biomolecules, proteins, enzymes, peptides in the biomedical field, for the preparation of bioactive, antifouling surfaces of biomaterials. Nowadays, the research prospective deals with the agriculture domain in the purpose of cleaning, sterilizing or fertilizing the soil. However, plasma technology could also be explored in the case of bioenergetic cells where the plasma chemistry enhances bioadhesion and, bioproduction without destroying the microalgae. This chapter gives illustrations on this new application of plasma technology.