We show that several qubits can be integrated in a single magnetic ion, using its internal electronic spin states with energies tuned by a suitably chosen molecular environment. This approach is illustrated with a nearly-isotropic Gd 3+ ion entrapped in a polyoxometalate molecule. Experiments with microwave technologies, either three dimensional cavities or quantum superconducting circuits, show that this magnetic molecule possesses the number of spin states and the set of coherently addressable transitions connecting these states that are needed to perform a universal three-qubit processor or, equivalently, a d = 8-level 'qudit'. Our findings open prospects for developing more sophisticated magnetic molecules which can result in more powerful and noise resilient quantum computation schemes.PACS numbers: 75.50. Xx,03.67.Lx,75.45.+j,75.30.Gw Molecular nanomagnets have emerged in the last few years as promising candidates to realize qubits, the basic components of future quantum computers [1][2][3][4]. These artificial molecules, designed and synthesized by chemical methods, consist of a magnetic core surrounded by nonmagnetic ligands. They are perfectly monodisperse and remain stable in different material forms, from perfectly ordered crystals to solutions and, in some cases, also when they are deposited onto solid substrates [5]. The main sources of magnetic noise, which introduce decoherence, arise from hyperfine couplings to nuclear spins and from dipolar couplings to other electronic spins in their neighborhood [6,7]. These effects can be minimized by isotopical purification and by extreme dilution in a diamagnetic matrix or in appropriate solvents. This strategy has recently led to spin coherence times [3,8,9] comparable to those reported for other solid-state spin qubit systems, such as NV centres in diamond and P donors in silicon [10,11]. An alternative is to identify the qubit states with clock transitions, which are relatively insensitive to magnetic field fluctuations [12]. However, even if the qubit-qubit interactions are minimized these strategies offer no route to scalability. This paradox between coupling and isolation has severely limited progressing beyond the realization of elemental two-qubit gates with electronic spins [13][14][15].Here, we explore a different approach: to have multiple qubits coupled in a single atom. Systems having d = 2 N internal levels (or 'qudits') can in principle realize N qubits. Lanthanide ions are promising candidates to realize these systems since the multiplet associated with the angular momentum J, given by Hund's rules, defines (2J + 1) states. Its practical implementation is not straightforward, though, because the level splitting induced by the crystal field around the lanthanide is often so large that only the two lowest lying electronic levels are experimentally accessible [12,16,17]. Nuclear spin states might still allow the definition of several qubits in lanthanides with a nonzero I [16,18]. However, the transitions that connect these states have very ...