The lymphoid-follicle associated epithelial (FAE) cells of the bursa Fabricii of chickens show enzymatic and micropinocytotic activities; they can perform functions reminiscent of those of macrophages. To test this relationship, we checked whether FAE cells are sensitive to carrageenan, a substance widely known to be toxic for macrophages. This substance was gently introduced into the bursal lumen and was left there for a period of 72 to 120 h. The bursae of Fabricius were then examined histologically and histochemically. The result was that the FAE areas had been reduced in number and that their structural pattern had been modified. This effect suggests that FAE cells may be sensitive to carrageenan. The immunological response to SRBC was studied in one group of animals that had received carrageenan. The antibody seemed to elicit an increase in the agglutinins and in the number of direct PFC/spleen against SRBC in comparison with control chickens. On the basis of the morphological and immunological results obtained, the origin and the role of the FAE cells of the bursa of Fabricius are discussed.