The current study had the objective of evaluate the long term effect of the educational video game (EVG) in the specific knowledge test (SKT) performance, opinion of satisfaction with the discipline (SAT) and learning perception of the subject matter (LP) of a graduation discipline in the Physiotherapy course of the University of Brasília (UNB). This study is a randomized clinical trial with two groups: Experimental Group (EG): Attending instead presential classes with extra time for EVG. Control Group (CG): only attending regular timeclasses. The classes occurred once a week with the presence of both groups. Students allocated in EG needed to access the PESQUISA EVG platform once a week. After 17 weeks, the assessment tools were applied for the dependent variables: (I) SKT, (2) SAT and (3) LP. The Student t test was used to compare the SKT means between groups and for the absolute and relative frequencies, were used to report SAT and LP scales. The data was analyzed with statistical significance of 5%. The sample consisted of a total of 71 students (22,83 [±3,35] years old), including 62 females (87,3%) and 9 males (12,7%) individuals. There was a significant statistical difference between EG and CG in SKT (p=0.006), with the EG having higher means than CG. Regarding the secondary endpoints EG had 100% answers in categories 4 and 5, while the GC also showed responses in category 3. The study results points that de EVG was able to improve the performance in the SKT. The SAT results may indicate that the use of the EVG can increase the satisfaction with the discipline and the learning perception of the subject matter. KEYWORDS: Teaching, Satisfaction, Learning Perception, Videogame, Physiotherapy, Ethics RESUMO O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de longo prazo do vídeo game educacional (VGE) no desempenho em teste de conhecimentos específicos (TCE), opinião de satisfação com a disciplina (SAT) e percepção de aprendizagem dos conteúdos (PA) de uma disciplina da graduação em fisioterapia da Universidade de Brasília. Trata-se de um ensaio clínico randomizado com dois grupos: Grupo Experimental (GE): aulas presencias e uso semanal do VGE extraclasse; Grupo Controle (GC): apenas aulas presenciais. As aulas presenciais ocorreram uma vez por semana com ambos os grupos presentes. Os alunos do GE precisaram acessar a plataforma do VGE uma vez por semana. Após 17 semanas foram aplicados os instrumentos de avaliação das variáveis dependentes: (I) TCE; (2) SAT; (3) PA. Utilizamos o teste t Student para comparar as médias do TCE entre os grupos e frequências absolutas e relativas para reportar as escalas SAT e PA. Os dados foram analisados com nível de significância 5%. A amostra foi composta por um total de 71 alunos (22,83 [±3,35] anos de idade), sendo 62 indivíduos do sexo feminino (87,3%) e 09 do sexo masculinos (12,7%). Houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre GE e GC no TCE (p = 0.006), apresentando o GE maior média que o GC. Em relação aos desfechos secundários O GE apresentou 10...