Thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPUs) molded at 205, 215, and 235 ° C are monitored by SAXS and WAXS during straining. A non-affi ne nanostructure deformation and related evolution mechanisms are found. DSC and microscopy are applied. DSC shows two melting endotherms. The results indicate that melts kept below the second peak stay phase-separated. The orientation parameter f ( ε ) and d f /d ε from WAXS are related to chain orientation mechanisms (strain ε ). SAXS shows hard domains that are only correlated to a next neighbor ("sandwich"). Thick sandwiches lengthen more than thin ones. Thin-layer sandwiches feature a strain limit. Some are converted into thick-layer sandwiches. Two materials have tough hard domains. Material processed at 235 ° C is soft and contains weak hard domains that fail for ε > 0.75. of the material. Block copolymers synthesized by living polymerization are characterized by uniform block lengths. Processing of such compounds may result in lattice-like nanostructures or even in photonic crystals, in which the soft and the hard blocks reside completely in different domains. This is different with thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU). Along with their chains a mixed sequence of soft segments and hard segments is found. Thus, even optimum process control only leads to domains of very diverse shape and size, the arrangement of which can rarely lead to lattice-like correlation. Moreover, soft domains may contain several hard segments. Consequently, the chemistry [ 1 ] and the processing conditions [2][3][4][5] defi ne the nanostructure that, in turn, determines the material's mechanical properties. The hard domains form physical cross-links and make the material behave rubber elastic. Because the hard domains are permanent only to a fi rst approximation, the stressstrain behavior of TPUs is subject to "strong hysteresis, time dependence and cyclic softening". [ 6 ] Thus maturing or aging may become a problem, if longer time elapses between investigations with different methods, because in this case the results may not be combined.