This study was performed during 2019 and 2020 seasons on seven years old “Flame seedless” grape trees (Vitis vinefera L.). The trees were cultivated at 3 meters apart between rows and 2 meters between trees in the same row in a calcareous soil under drip irrigation system in a private orchard located at Nubaria, Beheira governorate, Egypt. The trees were sprayed three times, before flowering, during the full bloom and three weeks later with the following treatments: Control spray with water only, Fulvic acid at 1000, 1500 and 2000 ppm, Folic acid (vitamin B9) at 100, 150 and 200 ppm, Seaweed extract at 2000, 3000 and 4000 ppm. Besides, the combinations of 1000 ppm Fulvic acid +100 ppm Folic acid+ 2000 ppm Seaweed extract, 1500 ppm Fulvic acid + 150 ppm Folic acid + 3000 ppm Seaweed extract and 2000 ppm Fulvic acid + 200 ppm Folic acid + 4000 ppm Seaweed extract were also applied. The obtained results demonstrated that the foliar spray of Folic acid, Fulvic acid and Seaweed extract and their combinations improved weight, length, width, size and number of clusters. Furthermore, they also increased extremely weight of 100 berries and consequently the yield per vine in kg and the yield in ton per hectare, weight of juice, the percentages of total sugars, and total soluble solids as compared to control in the two seasons. The effect of Fulvic acid on the previous mentioned parameters was higher than the effect of Seaweed extractor Folic acid and its effect was better by the increasing the applied concentration where the best one was 2000 ppm, which gave the best results more than the other applied treatments in the two seasons. The best combination was Fulvic acid 2000 ppm + Folic acid at 200 ppm + Seaweed extract 4000 ppm.