The purpose of this study was to explore award-winning instructors' insights on elements of their course design that were award-winning and the differences between expert and novice online instructors. Interviews were conducted with eight award-winning online faculty members from across the United States who had received online teaching awards from one of three professional associations. The five main areas that emerged from the data analysis were (a) authentic and relevant course materials that connect to practice, (b) the use of multimedia resources, (c) student creation of digital content individually and collaboratively, (d) students' reflection on learning, and (e) the instructor's explanation of the purpose of activities, technologies, and assessments in the online course. Additionally, award-winning faculty emphasized the importance of using data and evaluation practices and reflecting on course offerings in the development of an excellent online course. Award-wining faculty described expert online instructors as being experienced and comfortable in the online environment, using a wide range of strategies, being willing to learn, using data and analytics, and engaging in continuous improvement. The findings add to the literature on best practices and what constitutes excellence in online courses.Over more than a decade, online education in the United States has experienced steady growth in the number of courses and programs offered at higher education institutions. Seaman, Allen, and Seaman (2018) report that approximately 31.6% of all students took an online course in fall 2016, an increase of 5.6% from fall 2015. As institutions increase their online offerings, they seek to continuously improve the design, implementation, and assessment of online courses