Color has a crucial impact on students’ perception. It encourages the learning
atmosphere to be affiliated with the anticipated learning outcomes. The purpose of
this study is to investigate the impacts of contextual colors on student’s perception
of interior spaces and to validate previous related studies that emphasize on colors
as a media to convey meanings that affect behaviors and students’ perception as
well. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to determine and validate previous
related studies regarding the impact of background color on student’s perception.
Meanwhile the study evaluates the previous relevant models in order to validate or
reject previous assumptions. The study concentrates on quantitative survey
method using in depth questionnaire to determine student’s perception at UHDUniversity of Human Development, Sulaimani. Seven Colors from Munsell color
system (yellow, green, blue, purple, white, and black, grey) are applied in the test
in order to indicate the students’ perceptual status. The results show that cool
colors like white, green and blue are mostly recommended for educational spaces.
These colors affected positively the perception of respondents and add feeling of
hope, curiosity and satisfaction to the group. In contrast dark colors (black and
grey) are indicated as colors of worry and fear. The findings demonstrate that
environments colors play an important effect on student’s perception. The study
concluded that colors affect the behavior, performance and mood of the space