The emergence of the World Wide Web facilitates the growth of user-generated texts in less-resourced languages. Sentiment analysis of these texts may serve as a key performance indicator of the quality of services delivered by companies and government institutions. The presence of user-generated texts is an opportunity for assisting managers and policy-makers. These texts are used to improve performance and increase the level of customers’ satisfaction. Because of this potential, sentiment analysis has been widely researched in the past few years. A plethora of approaches and tools have been developed—albeit predominantly for well-resourced languages such as English. Resources for less-resourced languages such as, in this paper, Amharic, are much less developed. As a result, it requires cost-effective approaches and massive amounts of annotated training data, calling for different approaches to be applied. This research investigates the performance of a combination of heterogeneous machine learning algorithms (base learners such as SVM, RF, and NB). These models in the framework are fused by a meta-learner (in this case, logistic regression) for Amharic sentiment classification. An annotated corpus is provided for evaluation of the classification framework. The proposed stacked approach applying SMOTE on TF-IDF characters (1,7) grams features has achieved an accuracy of 90%. The overall results of the meta-learner (i.e., stack ensemble) have revealed performance rise over the base learners with TF-IDF character n-grams.