The fate of electric dipoles inside a Fermi sea is an old issue, yet poorly-explored. Sr1−xCaxTiO3 hosts a robust but dilute ferroelectricity in a narrow (0.002 < x < 0.02) window of substitution. This insulator becomes metallic by removal of a tiny fraction of its oxygen atoms. Here, we present a detailed study of low-temperature charge transport in Sr1−xCaxTiO 3−δ , documenting the evolution of resistivity with increasing carrier concentration (n). Below a threshold carrier concentration, n * (x), the polar structural phase transition has a clear signature in resistivity and Ca substitution significantly reduces the 2 K mobility at a given carrier density. For three different Ca concentrations, we find that the phase transition fades away when one mobile electron is introduced for about 7.9±0.6 dipoles. This threshold corresponds to the expected peak in anti-ferroelectric coupling mediated by a diplolar counterpart of Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction. Our results imply that the transition is driven by dipole-dipole interaction, even in presence of a dilute Fermi sea. At higher carrier concentrations, our data resolves slight upturns in low-temperature resistivity in both Ca-free and Ca-substituted samples, reminiscent of Kondo effect and most probably due to oxygen vacancies.arXiv:1909.04278v1 [cond-mat.supr-con]