IntroductionClassic Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL) is a B-cell lymphoid malignancy that is characterized by a relatively small number of malignant Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells surrounded by an overwhelming number of inflammatory cells, including a large number of OX40-expressing T cells, interleukin 10 (IL-10)-producing T-regulatory (T-reg) cells (Tr1 cells) and CD4 ϩ CD25 ϩ Foxp3 ϩ T-reg cells that are known to play a role in the maintenance of peripheral immune tolerance. [1][2][3] This unique pathology is generated by a variety of cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors that are secreted by HRS cells, including thymus-and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC)/CCL17 and transforming growth factor-, which attract CD4 ϩ T-helper-2 (Th2) and T-reg cells, in addition to contributing to the known ineffective cellular immune response. [3][4][5] Strategies to reverse the immune-suppression status in the HL microenvironment and to restore an effective anti-HRS immunity in vivo are currently being explored as novel treatments for patients with cHL. 4,6,7 OX40 ligand (OX40L), a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) superfamily, is expressed predominantly by professional antigen-presenting cells such as dendritic cells, activated B cells, and macrophages, in addition to T cells and endothelial cells. 8,9 OX40 receptor (CD134) is transiently expressed as a costimulatory protein by activated T cells, natural killer T cells, and T-reg cells. 10 The engagement of OX40L with the OX40 receptor is essential for the generation of antigen-specific memory T cells and for the induction of host antitumor immunity. 11 Consequently, strategies to activate the OX40-OX40L pathway are being explored to break immune tolerance for the treatment of cancer. [12][13][14][15] We recently reported that histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACis) may induce a favorable antitumor immune response in HL by down-regulating the expression and secretion of thymusand activation-regulated chemokine (TARC) in HRS and dendritic cells in vitro and by altering the balance of inflammatory cytokines to favor a Th1-type response. 16 This in vitro effect was reproduced in vivo, because HDACI therapy decreased serum TARC levels in patients with relapsed HL. 17 These observations suggested that the favorable clinical activity of HDACis in patients with HL may be related to combined antiproliferative and immunomodulatory effects. [17][18][19] In the work reported here, we extended our previous studies by examining how HDACis may modulate the immune response. Recently, we and others reported that OX40 triggering can inhibit the suppressive function of IL-10-producing Tr1 cells and CD4 ϩ CD25 ϩ Foxp3 ϩ T-reg cells, and can also inhibit the transforming growth factor--induced conversion of antigenspecific CD4 ϩ naive T cells into CD4 ϩ CD25 ϩ Foxp3 ϩ T-reg cells. 20-22 Therefore, we investigated whether HDACis enhance the immune response by regulating the expression of OX40L in cHL.
Cell lines, culture conditions, and reagentsThe human HRS-derived cell ...