Let X and Y be an m-dimensional F-semi-martingale and an n-dimensional H-semi-martingale respectively on the same probability space (Ω, F, P ), both enjoying the strong predictable representation property. We propose a martingale representation result for the square-integrable (P, G)-martingales, where G = F ∨ H. As a first application we identify the biggest possible value of the multiplicity in the sense of Davis and Varaiya of d i=1 F i , where, fixed i ∈ (1, . . . , d), F i is the reference filtration of a real martingale M i , which enjoys the (P, F i ) predictable representation property. A second application falls into the framework of credit risk modeling and in particular into the study of the progressive enlargement of the market filtration by a default time. More precisely, when the risky asset price is a multidimensional semi-martingale enjoying the strong predictable representation property and the default time satisfies the density hypothesis, we present a new proof of the analogous of the classical Kusuoka's theorem.