Caldicott Farm and particular thanks must go to Robin Lane for help throughout. English Heritage, through the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund (ALSF), funded the compilation of this monograph from all the different archive reports, as well as enabling historical research and scientific analysis on the pottery. Dr Helen Keeley, Chris Scull, Gareth Watkins and Karla Graham (English Heritage) are acknowledged for their help and advice throughout the ALSF stage of the work.Continuing help and advice, particularly regarding the formulation of the excavation strategies, was given by Dr John Williams, Sally Howard and Wendy Rogers of Kent County Council. All Field Archaeology Unit staff are also owed thanks, especially for working so hard in some particularly unpleasant weather conditions: project managers Mark Gardiner, Chris Place, Tony Pollard and Ian Greig; the excavation directors: Ian Greig (Lydd 1), Greg Priestly-Bell (Lydd Stages 2 to 4 and 7-11 (part) and Denge West watching briefs), Jennifer Sawyer (Lydd 5/6), Casper Johnson (Lydd 11 (part)), Simon Stevens (Denge West field-walking), and all the excavators who are too numerous to mention, although special thanks must be given to Robert Beck. The help and interest of Jill Eddison is also gratefully appreciated.Thanks are also due to all the specialists who have helped in studying the excavated material: