The temperature coefficient of equilibrium isotope fractionation in the heavy elements is shown to be larger at high temperatures than that expected from the well-studied vibrational isotope effects. The difference in the isotopic behavior of the heavy elements as compared with the light elements is due to the large nuclear isotope field shifts in the heavy elements. The field shifts introduce new mechanisms for maxima, minima, crossovers, and large massindependent isotope effects in the isotope chemistry of the heavy elements. The generalizations are illustrated by the temperature dependence of the isotopic fractionation in the redox reaction between U(VI) and U(IV) ions.Stern and colleagues (1, 2) have studied the temperature dependence of equilibrium isotope fractionation for the elements hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen over the temperature range 20-2000 K; they used a computational approach to the problem. The vibrational frequencies of isotopomers of a large number of compounds of the above elements were calculated using the Wilson FG matrix method. Input parameters were valence force constants, F matrices, and the masses, bond distances, and bond angles of the molecules, G matrices. The calculated frequencies were then substituted into the Bigeleisen-Mayer equation (3) for the isotope fractionation factor. In accord with theoretical expectations, Stern and colleagues (1, 2) found, in all cases, that the logarithm of the fractionation factor obeys a 1/T law at low temperature and a 11T2 law at high temperature. The chemical basis for these two limiting temperature dependences can be readily understood through the Bigeleisen-Mayer free energy function.