The storage capacity of any given tailings storage facility (TSF) is a function of the volume available for the tailings for which the geometry of the final upper surface of the tailings is most important. One of the advantages that can be obtained from thickening tailings prior to discharge is that the tailings can be stacked at a steeper beach angle than is obtainable with conventional low density slurries. However, despite ongoing efforts by a number of parties, there is at present no universally accepted method available for the accurate prediction of tailings beach slopes. From an operating perspective, the tailings parameters relevant to the resulting beach slope can fluctuate significantly in the product delivered to the TSF and it is relatively well understood that the final beach slope can be manipulated by changes to disposal techniques. There are also newly emerging technologies that will enhance the dewatering of tailings at discharge and hence expedite the consolidation of the tailings that could well facilitate the development of steeper beach slopes. Hence, while the beach slope is an important parameter for the design of a TSF suitable to contain any given mass/volume of tailings, it may well be more important to understand the means by which the tailings parameters may be modified or the beach slope manipulated by the operators to achieve a reasonable design value than to develop a generic beach slope prediction model.