Quality systems in plant health laboratories are common these days. Most of these laboratories are accredited under a fixed scope, but because of the high diversity of organism-matrix combinations tested yearly in phytosanitary laboratories, the National Reference Centre (NRC) of the National Plant Protection Organization in the Netherlands chose to implement a phytosanitary focused flexible scope, the Phytoflex scope. This allows for the inclusion of additional activities in its scope of accreditation, without prior evaluation by the accreditation body. One of the reasons to implement a flexible scope was the initiation of the Official Control Regulation by the European Union, which states that official laboratories in plant health should be accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025 for all methods used when working as an official laboratory. The quality management system of the NRC is the foundation of the Phytoflex scope. The results of diagnoses given are based on the pillars Validation, Expertise and Assurance. Before the implementation of the Phytoflex scope in 2014, the scope only covered six tests for a combination of organism and matrix. As a result of the introduction of the Phytoflex scope, the number of organisms that are covered under ISO 17025 accreditation at the NRC has increased from six to almost 90 in November 2019. Management of the Phytoflex scope demands high awareness of quality systems for personnel and management, and puts more responsibility on the laboratory. If the different aspects of management of the scope are not accurately organized, the flexible scope may be revoked by the accreditation body. The Phytoflex scope makes it possible to act more quickly to add tests for new and emerging risks to the accreditation. However, this is not possible for all tests and further discussions are required to fulfil the accreditation requirement from the Official Control Regulation.