In the previous work, "Spin correlations in elastic e + e − scattering in QED" (Yongram, 2018), spin correlations for entangled electrons and positrons as emergent particles of electron-positron scattering (also know as Bhabha scattering) were calculated at tree level in QED. When trying to reproduce the author's work, we have found different results. In this work, we show the calculation for fully (initial and final polarized states) and partially (just final polarized states) polarized probability amplitudes for electron-positron scattering at all energies. While Yongram claims that violation of Clauser-Horne inequality (CHI) occurs at all energies for both mentioned cases, for fully polarized scattering we found violation of the CHI for speeds β 0.696, including the high energy limit, supporting the agreement between QED and foundations of quantum mechanics. However, for initially unpolarized particles we found no violation of the CHI.