Conventional quantum speed limits perform poorly for mixed quantum states: They are generally not tight and often significantly underestimate the fastest possible evolution speed. To remedy this, for unitary driving, we derive two quantum speed limits that outperform the traditional bounds for almost all quantum states. Moreover, our bounds are significantly simpler to compute as well as experimentally more accessible. Our bounds have a clear geometric interpretation; they arise from the evaluation of the angle between generalized Bloch vectors.Quantum speed limits (QSLs) set fundamental bounds on the shortest time required to evolve between two quantum states [1][2][3]. The earliest derivation of minimal time of evolution was in 1945 by Mandelstam and Tamm [4] with the aim of operationalising the famous (but oft misunderstood) timeenergy uncertainty relations [5-9] ∆t ≥ /∆E, relating the standard deviation of energy with the time it takes to go from one state to another. QSLs were originally derived for the unitary evolution of pure states [10][11][12]; since then they have been generalized to the case of mixed states [13][14][15][16], nonunitary evolution [17][18][19], and multi-partite systems [20][21][22][23][24].Extending their original scope, their significance has evolved from fundamental physics to practical relevance, defining the limits of the rate of information transfer [25] and processing [26], entropy production [27], precision in quantum metrology [28] and time-scale of quantum optimal control [29]. For example, in [30], the authors use QSLs to calculate the maximal rate of information transfer along a spin chain; similarly, Reich et al. show that optimization algorithms and QSLs can be used together to achieve quantum control over a large class of physical systems [31]. In Refs. [32][33][34] QSLs are used to bound the charging power of non-degenerate multi-partite systems, which are treated as batteries. The latter results imply a significant speed advantage for entangling over local unitary driving of quantum systems, given the same external constraints.Combining the Mandelstam-Tamm result with the results by Margolus and Levitin, along with elements of quantum state space geometry [35], leads to a unified QSL [36]. It bounds the shortest time required to evolve a (mixed) state ρ to another state σ by means of a unitary operator U t generated by some time-dependent Hamiltonian H twhere L(ρ, σ) = arccos(F(ρ, σ)) is the Bures angle, a measure of the distance between states ρ and σ, F(ρ, σ) = tr[ √ ρσ √ ρ] is the Uhlmann root fidelity [37,38]; For pure states ρ = |ψ ψ| and σ = |φ φ|, the Bures angle reduces to the Fubini-Study distance d(|ψ , |φ ) = arccos | ψ|φ | [35,39,40]. Under this condition Eq. (1) is provably tight [36]. An insightful geometric interpretation of QSLs for pure states (in a Hilbert space of any dimension) is that the geodesic connecting initial and final states lives on a complex projective line CP 1 (isomorphic to a 2-sphere S 2 ), defined by the linear combinations of |ψ an...