Dissipation is a ubiquitous phenomenon that affects the fate of chaotic quantum many-body dynamics. Here, we show that chaos can be robust against dissipation but can also assist and anomalously enhance relaxation. We compute exactly the dissipative form factor of a generic Floquet quantum circuit with arbitrary on-site dissipation modeled by quantum channels and find that, for long enough times, the system always relaxes with two distinctive regimes characterized by the presence or absence of gap-closing. While the system can sustain a robust ramp for a long (but finite) time interval in the gap-closing regime, relaxation is “assisted” by quantum chaos in the regime where the gap remains nonzero. In the latter regime, we prove that, if the thermodynamic limit is taken first, the gap does not close even in the dissipationless limit. We complement our analytical findings with numerical results for quantum qubit circuits.