We describe the quantum phase transition in the N -state chiral clock model in spatial dimension d = 1. With couplings chosen to preserve time-reversal and spatial inversion symmetries, such a model is in the universality class of recent experimental studies of the ordering of pumped Rydberg states in a one-dimensional chain of trapped ultracold alkali atoms. For such couplings and N = 3, the clock model is expected to have a direct phase transition from a gapped phase with a broken global Z N symmetry, to a gapped phase with the Z N symmetry restored. The transition has dynamical critical exponent z = 1, and so cannot be described by a relativistic quantum field theory. We use a lattice duality transformation to map the transition onto that of a Bose gas in d = 1, involving the onset of a single boson condensate in the background of a higher-dimensional N -boson condensate.We present a renormalization group analysis of the strongly coupled field theory for the Bose gas transition in an expansion in 2 − d, with 4 − N chosen to be of order 2 − d. At two-loop order, we find a regime of parameters with a renormalization group fixed point which can describe a direct phase transition. We also present numerical density-matrix renormalization group studies of lattice chiral clock and Bose gas models for N = 3, finding good evidence for a direct phase transition, and obtain estimates for z and the correlation length exponent ν.arXiv:1808.07056v2 [cond-mat.str-el] 19 Oct 2018 42 4. I (M ) 4 44 C. Renormalization constants for the Z N dilute Bose gas 45 D. The self-dual phase boundary in the chiral clock model 46 E. Analysis as λ → 0 48