The entanglement entropy of the two-dimensional random transverse Ising model is studied with a numerical implementation of the strong disorder renormalization group. The asymptotic behavior of the entropy per surface area diverges at, and only at, the quantum phase transition that is governed by an infinite randomness fixed point. Here we identify a double-logarithmic multiplicative correction to the area law for the entanglement entropy. This contrasts with the pure area law valid at the infinite randomness fixed point in the diluted transverse Ising model in higher dimensions.
PACS numbers: Valid PACS appear hereExtensive studies have been devoted recently to understand ground state entanglement in quantum many-body systems [1]. In particular, the behavior of various entanglement measures at/near quantum phase transitions has been of special interest. One of the widely used entanglement measures is the von Neumann entropy, which quantifies entanglement of a pure quantum state in a bipartite system. Critical ground states in one dimension (1D) are known to have entanglement entropy that diverges logarithmically in the subsystem size with a universal coefficient determined by the central charge of the associated conformal field theory [2]. Away from the critical point, the entanglement entropy saturates to a finite value, which is related to the finite correlation length.In higher dimensions, the scaling behavior of the entanglement entropy is far less clear. A standard expectation is that non-critical entanglement entropy scales as the area of the boundary between the subsystems, known as the "area law" [3,4]. This area-relationship is known to be violated for gapless fermionic systems [5] in which a logarithmic multiplicative correction is found. One might suspect that whether the area law holds or not depends on whether the correlation length is finite or diverges. However, it has turned out that the situation is more complex: numerical findings [7] and a recent analytical study [8] have shown that the area law holds even for critical bosonic systems, despite a divergent correlation length. This indicates that the length scale associated with entanglement may differ from the correlation length. Another ongoing research activity for entanglement in higher spatial dimensions is to understand topological contributions to the entanglement entropy [9].The nature of quantum phase transitions with quenched randomness is in many systems quite different from the pure case. For instance, in a class of systems the critical behavior is governed by a so-called infiniterandomness fixed point (IRFP), at which the energy scale ǫ and the length scale L are related as: ln ǫ ∼ L ψ with 0 < ψ < 1. In these systems the off-critical regions are also gapless and the excitation energies in these socalled Griffiths phases scale as ǫ ∼ L −z with a nonuniversal dynamical exponent z < ∞. Even so, certain random critical points in 1D are shown to have logarithmic divergences of entanglement entropy with universal coefficients, as in the...