We introduce a notion of teleportation scheme between subalgebras of semi-finite von Neumann algebras in the commuting operator model of locality. Using techniques from subfactor theory, we present unbiased teleportation schemes for relative commutants N ′ ∩ M of a large class of finite-index inclusions N ⊆ M of tracial von Neumann algebras, where the unbiased condition means that no information about the teleported observables are contained in the classical communication sent between the parties. For a large class of subalgebras N of matrix algebras Mn(C), including those relevant to hybrid classical/quantum codes, we show that any tight teleportation scheme for N necessarily arises from an orthonormal unitary Pimsner-Popa basis of Mn(C) over N ′ , generalising work of Werner [91]. Combining our techniques with those of Brannan-Ganesan-Harris [22], we compute quantum chromatic numbers for a variety of quantum graphs arising from finite-dimensional inclusions N ⊆ M .√ n n−1 i=0 |ii ∈ C n ⊗ C n and the generalised Pauli X and Z operators on C n , the procedure generalises verbatim to states in C n . This latter protocol was put into the larger context of teleportation schemes by Werner [91], which allowed for broader possible implementations by the parties. Specifically, a teleportation scheme for C n consists of a triple (ω, {F i } i∈I , {T i } i∈I ) where ω is a density on C n ⊗ C n (entangled resource state), {F i } i∈I is a positive operator-valued measure (POVM) on C n ⊗ C n (Alice's measurement system) and {T i } i∈I