We compute the effects of generic short-range interactions on gapless electrons residing at the quantum critical point separating a two-dimensional Dirac semimetal and a symmetry-preserving band insulator. The electronic dispersion at this critical point is anisotropic (in unconventional scaling of thermodynamic and transport quantities. Because of the vanishing density of states [ϱðEÞ ∼ jEj 1/n ], this anisotropic semimetal (ASM) is stable against weak short-range interactions. However, for stronger interactions, the direct Dirac-semimetal to band-insulator transition can either (i) become a fluctuation-driven first-order transition (although unlikely in a particular microscopic model considered here, the anisotropic honeycomb lattice extended Hubbard model) or (ii) get avoided by an intervening broken-symmetry phase. We perform a controlled renormalization group analysis with the small parameter ϵ ¼ 1/n, augmented with a 1/n expansion (parametrically suppressing quantum fluctuations in the higher dimension) by perturbing away from the one-dimensional limit, realized by setting ϵ ¼ 0 and n → ∞. We identify charge density wave (CDW), antiferromagnet (AFM), and singlet s-wave superconductivity as the three dominant candidates for broken symmetry. The onset of any such order at strong coupling ð∼ϵÞ takes place through a continuous quantum phase transition across an interacting multicritical point, where the ordered phase, band insulator, Dirac, and anisotropic semimetals meet. We also present the phase diagram of an extended Hubbard model for the ASM, obtained via the controlled deformation of its counterpart in one dimension. The latter displays spin-charge separation and instabilities to CDW, spin density wave, and Luther-Emery liquid phases at arbitrarily weak coupling. The spin density wave and Luther-Emery liquid phases deform into pseudospin SU(2)-symmetric quantum critical points separating the ASM from the AFM and superconducting orders, respectively. Our phase diagram shows an intriguing interplay among CDW, AFM, and s-wave paired states that can be germane for a uniaxially strained optical honeycomb lattice for ultracold fermion atoms, or the organic compound α-ðBEDT-TTFÞ 2 I 3 .