In this paper, we show that QCD at high energies leads to the multiplicity distribution ðσ n =σ in Þ ¼ ð1=NÞ ðN − 1=NÞ n−1 (where N denotes the average number of particles) and to entanglement entropy S ¼ ln N, confirming that the partonic state at high energy is maximally entangled. However, the value of N depends on the kinematics of the parton cascade. In particular, for deep inelastic scattering, N ¼ xGðx; QÞ, where xG is the gluon structure function, while for hadron-hadron collisions, N ∝ Q 2 S ðYÞ, where Q s denotes the saturation scale. We checked that this multiplicity distribution describes the LHC data for low multiplicities n < ð3 ÷ 5ÞN, exceeding it for larger values of n. We view this as a consequence of our assumption that the system of partons in hadron-hadron collisions at c.m. rapidity Y ¼ 0, is dilute. We show that the data can be described at large multiplicities in the parton model, if we do not make this assumption.