An antigen in the outer membrane protein (OMP) fraction of Campylobacter jejuni was identified and characterized. Western blot analysis demonstrated antigenic differences in this protein between two congenic C. jejuni strains. Strain A74/C, which colonizes chickens, expressed the antigen at 34 kDa, while strain A74/O, which poorly colonizes chickens, expressed the antigen at 32 and 34 kDa. A genomic library was constructed in lambdagt11 with DNA from A74/O and screened with antibody raised against C. jejuni OMPs. A clone that possessed a 1.3-kb insert and expressed an immunoreactive protein fused to beta-galactosidase was isolated and purified. DNA sequence analysis revealed the insert contained one open reading frame 864 bases long. The deduced amino acid sequence demonstrated 56.3% similarity with Bacillus steorothermophilus glnH, a glutamine-binding protein, and 54.0% similarity with C. jejuni PEB1, a putative colonization adhesin. Southern hybridization, Northern hybridization, and DNA sequence analyses of the congenic colonizing and noncolonizing strains of C. jejuni failed to distinguish the two strains and revealed only one copy of the gene. Post-translational modification may be an alternate explanation for the antigenic differences seen between the two strains.