In modern unstable conditions of economic development, special attention is paid to the financial condition of enterprises, since it reflects all aspects of the financial and production activities of an enterprise, determines its potential in the business world, competitiveness, stability in the market and determines potential positions in the market. Analysis of the financial condition of an enterprise in the presence of internal and external threats will allow assessing the current and prospective financial position of an economic entity, assessing the potential pace of development, identifying possible sources of assets formation, and predicting the financial position of an enterprise in the market. The scientific article summarizes modern methods of analysis and assessment of the financial condition of an enterprise, studies the systems for determining the financial condition as a tool for ensuring economic security. and also presents their features and content. Based on a comparison of the most common methods for assessing the financial condition of an enterprise, the following conclusion can be drawn: at present, when analyzing the financial condition of enterprises, the problem of choosing a methodology that meets the requirements of an enterprise to enhance the analysis of one or another block of economic and financial indicators is highlighted. That is, the given interconnections of the analyzed phenomena that characterize financial and economic activities can be very diverse and complex. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct analytics using not all the diversity, but only those factors and indicators on which the results of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise directly depend. All methods of assessing the financial condition of enterprises can be applied at enterprises in order to ensure economic security. Enterprises in an environment of uncertainty continuously need timely, objective and complete information about their financial condition to ensure constant and stable protection against real and potential threats and hazards. Moreover, owners and investors need such information. However, it is always necessary to remember and realize that the conditions of a market economy dictate their own rules, the promotion and development of enterprises takes place in a tough competitive environment, therefore, information should be submitted in a timely manner in order to make appropriate management decisions.