Apstrakt:This paper attempts to quantify experience with Web 2.0 technologies and provide an answer to the question concerning the effects of such quantity of experience on the development of knowledge management system framework. In order to do so we conducted a survey encompassing undergraduate students. We asked them about the quantity of their experience with social networks, wikis, blogs, micro blogs, forums and emails. The results are quite interesting as they show that students have much more experience than we initially suspected, which has clear implications on the development of Web 2.0 based knowledge management system.
Abstract:U ovom radu pokušali smo da kvantifikujemo iskustvo u radu sa Veb 2.0 tehnologijama i da odgovorimo na pitanje kakve su njegove implikacije na razvoj modela sistema za menadžment znanja. Da bi smo to postigli anketirali smo studente osnovnih studija vezano za njihova iskustva u radu sa društvenim mrežama, vikijima, blogovima, mikroblogovima, forumima i elektronskom poštom. Rezultati su veoma interesantni jer ukazuju na to da studenti imaju mnogo više iskustva nego što smo prvobitno pretpostavili, što ima jasne implikacije na razvoj Veb 2.0 baziranog modela sistema za menadžment znanja.
Ključne reči:Web 2.0, knowledge management, knowledge management system framework.