SynopsisThe enthalpies of t.ransfer, AH,,, of a series of amides from water to aqueous solutions of either guanidinium hydrochloride (GiiIICI) or potassium iodide were obtained from calorimet,ric measurements at 25°C. The amides were st.udied at molalities around 1 0 4 m while salt molalities ranged from 0-10 m. The amides investigabed were Ac-Gly-NHMe, Ac-Gly-Gly-NHNe, Ac-Ala-NIIlle, and Ac-Len-NIIAle. Use of an additivit,y assumption allowed the calcrilation of group cont.ribut.ions to A H , , in these two salt systems for the methyl grorip, leucyl side rhain, and the peptide backbone unit,. Valiies of the entropy of transfer were also obtained. The great ability of (;uIICI to randomize prot.ein structures appears to arise from effects on polar and nonpolar groups, which are characterized by enthalpies and entropies of transfer riot, substantially different. from those wit.h KI, a salt comprised of ions of comparable size and polarizability. The difference in the sign of the free energies of transfer of nonpolar groups from water to l I S solutions, negative for GuHCI and positive for KI, is t.he result of t.hese rniall diflerences in enthalpies and entropies of transfer. Variations in water striicture produced by differences in ionic propert.ies rather than a mode of action for GiiHCI very different from that of ot.her salts characterizes its superior denaturing ability.