This paper is concerned with a time periodic competition-diffusion systemwhere u(t, x) and v(t, x) denote the densities of two competing species, d > 0 is some constant, r i (t), a i (t) and b i (t) are T −periodic continuous functions. Under suitable conditions, it has been confirmed by Bao and Wang [J. Differential Equations 255 (2013), 2402-2435] that this system admits a periodic traveling front connecting two stable semi-trivial T −periodic solutions (p(t), 0) and (0, q(t)) associated to the corresponding kinetic system. Assume further that the wave speed is non-zero, we investigate the asymptotic behavior of the periodic bistable traveling front at infinity by a dynamical approach combined with the two-sided Laplace transform method. With these asymptotic properties, we then give some key estimates. Finally, by applying super-and subsolutions technique as well as the comparison principle, we establish the existence and various qualitative properties of entire solutions defined for all time and whole space.