This paper presents an entourage-like theory of quasi-uniformities for frames. The theory comprises the theory of uniformities for frames as well as the classical theory of quasi-uniformities for spaces.
O. IntroductionAccording to JOHN ISBELL [11], if entourages and uniform covers are each used where most convenient in the study of uniform spaces "the result (is) that Tukey's system of uniform covers is used nine-tenths of the time." In the study of quasi-uniform spaces, as opposed to uniform spaces, the roles of covers and entourages are reversed. Quasi-uniform spaces are first defined in terms of entourages by L. NACHBIN [14] and although a cover-like approach for quasiuniform spaces is given by T. GANTNER and R. STEINLAGE [10], the use of Gantner and Steinlage's conjugate-pair covers is even rarer than the one-to-nine ratio Isbell has allotted to entourages in the uniform space setting. A quasi-uniformity on a set X is defined by taking all the axioms for an entourage uniformity except the symmetry axiom. Associated with each quasi-uniform space (X, q/) there are two other quasi-uniformities, the conjugate quasi-uniformity and the join uniformity q/* = q/v @. These quasi-uniformities give rise to three topologies, J(~'), J-(~) and ~-(q/*). In order to provide an appropriate theory of quasi-uniformities for frames, we are 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54E15, 6D20, 18B35.