Women's involvement in the productive business sector will cause social change. The inclusion of women in the labor market or productive work affects household economic activity, resulting in changes in family economic structure. Empowering mothers can be done through processing food that can be used as a souvenir for tourists. West Bandung Regency is one area that has a lot of cassava potential, one area producing a lot of cassava is Cikalong Village. This program was going to focus on food manufacturing training from home industry-based cassava. In addition to food manufacturing training, the proposing team also taught cassava farmers to process food from cassava using interesting variations of taste and color, as well as brand selection for their products. The purpose was to invite tourists to buy and enjoy the culinary processing of the cassava farmers. The empowerment of Cassava Farmers was carried out using the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach. The expectation of this program was the existence of products prototype processed from local agricultural products, namely cassava, to support the economic condition of the participants and to use processed products as culinary tourism centers.