The purpose of the article is to identify, systematize and structure personal prerequisites of people that are professionally important for successful entrepreneurship, in the context of interdisciplinary research into the phenomenon of entrepreneurship and its functional specifics. The understanding of entrepreneurship as a special type of professional activity, carried out in accordance with the request for it from society and its segments, extends to the analysis of the personal prerequisites for the professional development of modern entrepreneurs. Based on the psychological theory of activity, modern theories of abilities and on functional ideas about entrepreneurship as a type of professional activity, a professional-centric approach to assessing personal prerequisites that are important for successful entrepreneurship on a professional basis, as well as for the entrepreneurial professionalization of actors, is formulated. Special objects of consideration are clusters of professionally important prerequisites — people’s entrepreneurship ability, their personal competitiveness, ownership propensities. The illegality of synonymizing entrepreneurship as a type of activity and the entrepreneurship ability as a prerequisite for the success of this activity is argued. Entrepreneurship contains a readiness to make decisions, implement a program of action, reflect on the results of activity in an environment of comparative uncertainty of the market realities of the business environment, as well as to take on professional risks. The ownership propensities is interpreted as prerequisites that are professionally important for de facto entrepreneurs as business owners. It is shown that the personal competitiveness of the actors of this type of professional activity is of professional importance for successful entrepreneurship throughout the centuries-old history of reproducing the competitive nature of the entrepreneurship environment.