DOI: 10.1177/0042098015595598
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Entrepreneurship in China: The role of localisation and urbanisation economies

Abstract: Why are some regions more entrepreneurial than others? This study explores the determinants of manufacturing entrepreneurship at the prefectural city level in China by highlighting the influence of localisation and urbanisation economies and the significance of technological relatedness and small firm clusters. Descriptive analysis has reported significant and increasing spatial variation of manufacturing entrepreneurship in China during 2001–2007. The empirical results based on the negative binomial model pro… Show more

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Cited by 72 publications
(54 citation statements)
References 73 publications
(111 reference statements)
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“…What can be done in future studies is to analyse directly the impact of related variety on entrepreneurship, knowledge and innovation, which in turn are expected to lead to employment and exports. Quite some studies already analysed the effects of related and unrelated variety on patents as the dependent variable (Castaldi, Frenken, & Los, 2015;Kogler, Rigby, & Tucker, 2013;Rigby, 2015;Tanner, 2016;Tavassoli & Carbonara, 2014), but fewer of such studies exist looking at scientific publications Heimeriks & Balland, 2015) or new firm formation (Colombelli, 2016;Guo, He, & Li, 2016) as dependent variables. (8) Finally, related-variety studies hitherto focus on how related variety affects economic development, while research on the geography of knowledge recombination processes at the micro-level remains rather unconnected to the related-variety literature.…”
Section: Future Researchmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…What can be done in future studies is to analyse directly the impact of related variety on entrepreneurship, knowledge and innovation, which in turn are expected to lead to employment and exports. Quite some studies already analysed the effects of related and unrelated variety on patents as the dependent variable (Castaldi, Frenken, & Los, 2015;Kogler, Rigby, & Tucker, 2013;Rigby, 2015;Tanner, 2016;Tavassoli & Carbonara, 2014), but fewer of such studies exist looking at scientific publications Heimeriks & Balland, 2015) or new firm formation (Colombelli, 2016;Guo, He, & Li, 2016) as dependent variables. (8) Finally, related-variety studies hitherto focus on how related variety affects economic development, while research on the geography of knowledge recombination processes at the micro-level remains rather unconnected to the related-variety literature.…”
Section: Future Researchmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…As an alternative for assessing entrepreneurship, this paper follows a body of recent literature that measures entrepreneurship in terms of new firms (Acs and Armington 2002;Glaeser and Kerr 2009;Delgado et al 2010;Ghani et al 2014;Guo et al 2016). In particular, this measure emphasizes the role of start-ups in creating more jobs.…”
Section: Data and Measuring Entrepreneurshipmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Another impetus for the rise in entrepreneurship in China is attributed to informal institutions such as strong social capital and the influence of Guanxi networks (Yueh 2009;Zhang and Zhao 2015), as well as close political connections to government entities (Li et al 2008;Guo et al 2014). Other novel determinants for the rise in entrepreneurship in Chinese contexts include local industrial conditions (Guo et al 2016), housing market reform (Wang 2012), and the sex ratio imbalance (Wei and Zhang 2011), to name a few.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…For instance, Guo et al (2016) [36] demonstrate that localization economies predict well entrepreneurship, while the effects of urbanization economies are mixed in China in research years 2001-2007. Hashiguchi and Tanaka (2015) [9] find strong positive externalities of localization economies in productivity of Chinese firms, with insignificant influence of urbanization economies.…”
Section: Literature Reviewmentioning
confidence: 99%