Strong exciton–photon
coupling exhibits the possibility
to modify the photophysical properties of organic molecules. This
is due to the introduction of hybrid light–matter states, called
polaritons, which have unique physical and optical properties. Those
strongly coupled systems provide altered excited-state dynamics in
comparison to the bare molecule case. In this study, we investigate
the interplay between polaritonic and molecular trap states, such
as excimers. The molecules used in this study show either prompt or
delayed emission from trap states. For both cases, a clear dependency
on the exciton–photon energy tuning was observed. Polaritonic
emission gradually increased with a concurrent removal of aggregation-induced
emission when the systems were tuned toward lower energies. For prompt
emission, it is not clear whether the experimental results are best
explained by a predominant relaxation toward the lower polariton after
excitation or by a direct excimer to polariton transition. However,
for the delayed emission case, trap states are formed on the initially
formed triplet manifold, making it evident that an excimer-to-polariton
transition has occurred. These results unveil the possibility to control
the trap state population by creating a strongly coupled system, which
may form a mitigation strategy to counteract detrimental trap states
in photonic applications.