There are compelling reasons to believe that the dominant component of the dark matter of the universe is non-baryonic collisionless particles [l]. The leading candidates are axions, WIMPs and massive neutrinos. The word "collisionless" signifies that the particles are so weakly interacting that they have moved purely under the influence of gravity since their decoupling at a very early time (of order lo-* sec for axions, of order 1 sec for neutrinos and WIMPs). In the limit where the primordial velocity dispersion of the particles is neglected, they all lie on the same 3-dim. 'sheet' in 6-dim. phase-space. Their phase-space evolution must obey Liouville's theorem. This implies that the 3-dim. sheet cannot tear and hence that it satisfies certain topological constraints.Let us assume that collisionless dark matter (CDM) exists. Usually, CDM means 'cold dark matter' (e.g., axions or WIMPs) but because massive neutrinos (m, >> eV) behave, from the point of view of this paper, in a similar way we include them in our definition as well. Because their phase-space sheet cannot tear, CDM particles must be present everywhere in space, including specifically intergalactic space. The space density may be reduced by stretching of the phase-space sheet but it cannot vanish. Moreover, the average space density is recovered as soon as the average is taken over distances larger than the distance CDM may have locally moved away from perfect Hubble flow. In a region which is sparsely populated with galaxies, this distance is much smaller than the distance between galaxies. The implication is that isolated galaxies are surrounded by unseen CDM and hence, because of gravity, CDM keeps falling onto isolated galaxies continuously from all directions. If the galaxy merges with other galaxies to form a cluster, infall onto the galaxy gets shut off because of lack of material but infall onto the cluster continues assuming that the cluster is itself isolated. In an open universe (R < 11, the infall process eventually turns off because the universe becomes very dilute. However, even if our own universe is open, we are far from having reached the turn-off time.It has been shown [2] that, under a wide range of circumstances, CDM infall onto an isolated galaxy produces a halo whose density falls off like 5 for large T , where T is the distance to the galactic center. Such a halo implies a flat galactic rotation curve [3]. It has