In order to inspect the interior of hollow organs or cavities in the human body, endoscopes are frequently employed in medicine. Over time, they have undergone substantial evolution and are now able to offer invaluable diagnostic data. The non‐invasive identification of tissue abnormalities with subcellular resolution or real‐time biochemical information is made possible by novel endoscopic optical diagnostic methods. These methods provide benefits in terms of detection, characterization, and confirmation while challenging conventional histology. An investigation is conducted on a magnetized ternary nanofluid to analyze its heat production characteristics in a heated flow scenario between two curved conduits that are peristaltic and experience sinusoidal fluctuations. In this study, the use of a new peristaltic endoscope inside a curved conduit is examined, with a specific focus on evaluating the flowing behavior and heat transference attributes. The use of a versatile and innovative endoscope equipped with peristaltic locomotion proves to be a superior approach for conducting endoscopic procedures on intricate mechanical systems. Furthermore, this advanced endoscope offers enhanced comfort for patients undertaking endoscopy of various human parts. A detailed mathematical model has been constructed to fully assess the flowing and heat transference study of this innovative endoscope using the main unsteady regulating formulas like impetus, Maxwell, and heat in their general form, then transformed to a non‐dimensional system with the assumption of a low Reynold's number and wavelength. Mathematica software was used to conduct precise and methodical calculations, enabling the acquisition of both accurate mathematical results and graphical representations. According to certain findings, the conduit is more influenced by the magnetized force, and the pressure rate over the channel width changes from a linear relationship to a sharp curve that ends in a small peak. Additionally, when utilizing different kinds of nanoparticles, there is a noticeable increase in the pressure gradient's magnitude.