Several modern technologies for energy storage and conversion are based on the screening of electric charge on the surface of porous electrodes by ions in an adjacent electrolyte. This so-called electric double layer (EDL) exhibits an intricate interplay with the electrolyte's temperature that was the focus of several recent studies. In one of them, Janssen et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 166002 (2017)] experimentally determined the ratio Qrev/W el of reversible heat flowing into a supercapacitor during an isothermal charging process and the electric work applied therein. To rationalize that data, here, we determine Qrev/W el within different models of the EDL using theoretical approaches like density functional theory (DFT) as well as molecular dynamics simulations. Applying mainly the restricted primitive model, we find quantitative support for a speculation of Janssen et al. that steric ion interactions are key to the ratio Qrev/W el . Here, we identified the entropic contribution of certain DFT functionals, which grants direct access to the reversible heat. We further demonstrate how Qrev/W el changes when calculated in different thermodynamic ensembles and processes. We show that the experiments of Janssen et al. are explained best by a charging process at fixed bulk density, or in a "semi-canonical" system. Finally, we find that Qrev/W el significantly depends on parameters as pore and ion size, salt concentration, and valencies of the cat-and anions of the electrolyte. Our findings can guide further heat production measurements and can be applied in studies on, for instance, nervous conduction, where reversible heat is a key element.