Obtaining rigorous and general results about the quantum dynamics of extended many-body systems is a difficult task. Given the panoply of phenomena that can be observed and are being investigated, it is crucial to delineate the boundaries of what is possible. In quantum lattice models, the Lieb-Robinson (LR) bound tells us that the spatial extent of operators grows at most linearly in time. But what happens within this light-cone? We obtain a universal form of ergodicity showing that operators get "thinner" almost everywhere within the light-cone. This includes what we believe is the first general result about decay of correlation functions within the LR light-cone, and is applicable to any locally interacting system in space-time translation invariant spatially mixing states. This weak notion of ergodicity is sufficient to prove a universal Boltzmann-Gibbs principle in all such systems: the projection of observables onto hydrodynamic modes at long times in correlation functions. In particular, we give an accurate formal definition of the complete space of hydrodynamic modes. This accounts for all types of dynamics, integrable or not. A surprising outcome, using Hilbert spaces of observables, is the realisation that all rigorous results, including hydrodynamic projections, are generalisable to arbitrary frequencies and wavelengths. This extends the concept of dynamical symmetries studied recently, and opens the door to the use of hydrodynamics to address oscillating behaviours at long times. We illustrate this by explaining the oscillatory algebraic decay of free fermion correlation functions using oscillatory hydrodynamic projections.