We study an influence of the quenched extended defects on the critical dynamics of the d=3-dimensional systems with m-component non-conserved order parameter (model A dynamics). Considering defects to be correlated in ε where z is the dynamical critical exponent z [1].Study of the influence of structural disorder on the critical behaviour is an important and non-trivial task both for the theory and the experiment. For fluids, an experimental situation may be realized by a criticality of fluids in porous medium [2].Traditionally, such objects are modelled by m-vector systems with quenched uncorrelated point-like defects [3]. A more realistic description is given by models, where defects are extended in space [4,5]. Here, we present analysis of the critical dynamics for d=3-dimensional system with m-component non-conserved order parameter (model A dynamics) influenced by presence of ε d -dimensional parallel