For, 0 < λ < 1, consider the transformation T (x) = dx (mod 1) on the circle S 1 , a C 1 function A : S 1 → R, and, the map F(x, s) = (T (x), λ s + A(x)), (x, s) ∈ S 1 × R. We denote B = B λ the upper boundary of the attractor (known as fat attractor). We are interested in the regularity of B λ , and, also in what happens in the limit when λ → 1. We also address the analysis of the following conjecture which were proposed by R. Bamón, J. Kiwi, J. Rivera-Letelier and R. Urzúa: for any fixed λ , C 1 generically on the potential A, the upper boundary B λ is formed by a finite number of pieces of smooth unstable manifolds of periodic orbits for F. We show the proof of the conjecture for the class of C 2 potentials A(x) satisfying the twist condition (plus a combinatorial condition). We do not need the generic hypothesis for this result. We present explicit examples. On the other hand, when λ is close to 1 and the potential A is generic a more precise description can be done. In this case the finite number of pieces of C 1 curves on the boundary have some special properties. Having a finite number of pieces on this boundary is an important issue in a problem related to semi-classical limits and micro-support. This was consider in a recent published work by A. Lopes and J. Mohr. Finally, we present the general analysis of the case where A is Lipschitz and its relation with Ergodic Transport.