Q 1. IntroductionIn this paper, I will give a precise characterization of (ordinary) combinatory logic in order to cont,rast it with the theory of combinatory logic with discriminators that was introduced in [6] and further developed in [7]. It will be shown that the primary difference between these two theories consists in the "Literal" way that combinatory logic with discriminators encodes functions and characterizes properties. This makes it possible to develop a logical system for combinatory: logic with discriminators in which syntactical properties can be expressed st,raightforwardly, avoiding the detour of G6del numbering.
Q 2. Constructed domainsThe elements of constructed domains, also called algorithmic domains, are normally expressions; but I will use CURRY'S more abstract term 'ob' to designate them.A constructed domain contains a finite number of basic obs. It may also contain complex obs formed from a finite number of occurrences of previously constructed obs (possibly including a null ob), organized by a composition structure. A given composition structure is n-adic, uniting occurrences of n obs in a single ob. I n a complex ob there may be punctuating devices which are not counted as obs.An effectively determined ,subset of a constructed domain is a constructed domain.If 9 is a constructed domain, an n-adic function p is a transformation on 9 if q is effective, total, and takes n-tuples of obs in 9 to single obs in Q. An effective, total function from finite sequences of obs in 9 to single obs in 9 is also a transformation on 9. If the number of arguments of a transformation pl is not specified, it will be understood that q is binary. If pl is a binary transformation, then prl+l(X1, . . ., X,,,) is defined to be rp(q"(X,, . . ., &), X n + J . If d is a set of individuals and 9 is a constructed domain, then a binary relation R is a correspondence from € to 9 iff R is a one-one relation from 8 to a subset of 9.
Q 3. Construction processesThe elements of formal languages and proofs in formal systems are produced by construction processes. A construction process has a finite number of initial obs from some constructed domain, and is a procedure for producing a sequence of obs from that domain, where each element in the sequence is either an initial ob or is obtained by a specified transformation from earlier obs in the sequence. (Construction processes are related to what HERMES calls rule systems in [5]. However, HERMES uses terminology appropriate to inference for all rule systems, which is misleading.) GI 5