Water diversions that support agricultural and municipal use result in fish mortality through entrainment and impingement. Additionally, this infrastructure may attract both predators and prey fishes, thereby increasing predation rates and prey mortality near these anthropogenic contact points. The Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta (the Delta) in California's Central Valley is a tidal freshwater ecosystem that exports large volumes of water for municipal and agricultural use while at the same time providing valuable migratory and rearing habitat for imperilled fishes. Emigrating juvenile salmonids experience high mortality in the Delta, with predation by non‐native fishes contributing substantially.
Therefore, this study had three main objectives. First, we determined if small water diversions aggregated piscivorous fishes like other similar structures in freshwater ecosystems. Second, we determined how small diversions may influence juvenile salmon predation risk in conjunction with other known predation risk factors (e.g. predator abundance, temperature and depth). Third, we assessed the predator assemblage, abundance and distribution to determine the likely predator composition in objectives one and two.
Throughout the spring of 2021, we used ARIS (adaptive resolution imaging sonar; Sound Metrics) sonars to compare piscivore abundance at 30 water diversions in the north Delta to shorelines adjacent to diversions that did not contain these structures. We used predation event recorders (PERs) to assess the predation risk juvenile salmonids were exposed to, with linear distance (m) from diversions, and other predation risk factors in the north Delta. Finally, we used a boat electrofishing survey to determine the piscivore assemblage and compare spatial trends in black bass (Micropterus spp.) CPUE and relative abundance throughout these waterways.
Piscivore abundance was greater near small water diversions than at adjacent shorelines and the predation risk of juvenile salmonids increased with diversion proximity. Additionally, predation risk increased with increasing piscivore abundance and decreasing water depth. The north Delta predator assemblage was dominated by black basses (Micropterus spp.), which likely drove the negative relationship of predation risk with water depth, given habitat requirements of these species. Furthermore, increasing smallmouth (Micropterus dolomieu) and spotted bass (Micropterus punctulatus) abundance in our northern study sites may have weakened temperature effects on predation, given metabolic requirements of these species.
Our work demonstrated that small water diversions are likely to increase mortality of endangered salmonids, and that the north Delta predator assemblage was different than recorded by previous work in this system, changing predation risk factors. Although more work is needed to determine the population level impacts of diversions, the ubiquitous distribution of these structures warrants management solutions to reduce mortality from this source.
These results indicate that in addition to entrainment and impingement, water diversions may increase mortality of small‐bodied fishes by attracting predators and elevating predation risk. Given the continual human demand for freshwater, predator–prey interactions should be considered along with entrainment and impingement when assessing intake infrastructure mitigation, especially when diversions co‐occur along migratory routes and essential habitat of imperilled fishes.