“…This pattern was seen regardless of individual differences in background energy expenditures (Figure 4). Previous work has demonstrated that female seals may adjust their reproductive output between years, when faced with changing environmental conditions prior to the lactation period, in order to maximize lifetime reproductive output (Bowen et al, 2015; Desprez et al., 2018; Kalberer, Meise, Trillmich, & Krüger, 2018; McMahon et al., 2016; Pomeroy et al., 1999; Smout et al., 2020), but research has yet to reveal the mechanism for terminating lactation in grey seals (e.g. by investigating metabolite trends leading up to weaning; Mellish & Iverson, 2001; Watson, Pomeroy, Al‐Tannak, & Kennedy, 2020).…”